Monday, February 28, 2011

It's a dark dreary day.
(sounds like the beginning of a bad novel!)
I like this kind of day from time to time.
 Don't get me wrong.
I love sunshine;
Warm days that lift my spirits.
But I like rainstorms too.
A good rain cleanses the earth.
The aroma after a cleansing rain lifts my spirits.
The sound of rain soothes my soul.
I even enjoy the thunder and lightening.
They remind me of the 
power and majesty of the Creator .
I love to stand in a sheltered spot 
and soak in the sights and sounds 
of a good rainstorm.
 Once the rain is over, 
God's promise often appears.
In some of the darkest times of my life
God has sent me a reminder of His faithfulness.
If we didn't have the rain,
we couldn't have the rainbow.

 So celebrate the rain!
Let it wash over you and renew your spirit.
Then look for the rainbow!

"I set My rainbow in the cloud, 
and it shall be for the sign of the covenant 
between Me and the earth."
Genesis 9:13

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