Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Salt and Light

Showing appreciation to someone is just a nice thing to do.  People do helpful or kind things for us every day.  Too often I know that I take these people and actions for granted.  I'm trying not to do that anymore.  I'm trying to be aware of kind or considerate actions, big and small.  Saying thank you and treating  people with respect is not only the right thing do to, it is the Christian thing to do.  If I am to be like Jesus, I must treat people the way He did when He walked among us. 
Even just a smile from a stranger can change a person's outlook for that day.  And if some gives me poor service or is unfriendly I try to remember the days when I don't feel well or just don't want to be nice.  And I have the Holy Spirit helping me.  As Christians, we should not expect non-believers to act the way we do, or maybe I should say the way we should act.  We are supposed to be different.  Salt and Light. 
These are the thoughts God gave to me today.  I'm talking to myself.  If anyone else benefits from these words, give the glory to Him.  He is faithful.  He is Love!

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