Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random Thoughts

The sun is shining today after yesterday's deluge.
It's cold but just the sight of the sun warms me.
I'm having some random thoughts so I thought I'd write them down.

I love to laugh.  
Laughter really is the best medicine.
No matter what is happening in your life,
when you laugh you feel better.
So laugh!

I love to smile.
When you smile at someone hopefully they smile back.
It might be the only smile they see that day.
So smile!

I love to encourage.
Sometimes just a word or two can make a difference to a person.
If someone looks good, tell them.
If someone does a good job, tell them.
If someone lifts your spirits, tell them.
So encourage!

I love to listen.
Listening has become a lost art.
Ask yourself:
Am I thinking of what I want to say, or am I listening?
Am I thinking of what I have to do, or am I listening?
We all want others to listen to us.
So listen!
I love to cry.
A good cry cleanses the body and soul.
"Those who sow with tears reap with songs of joy."
The best tears are those shed with and for others.
So cry!
 I love to live.
The older I get, the more precious life is.
I wish I'd realized this when I was younger.
I'm thankful I realize it now.
It's not about how much I have.
It's not about what I do.
It's about relationships.
Laughing, smiling, encouraging, listening, crying.

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