Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."
Luke 2:19 
When I read this verse this morning, 
I focused on the word ponder.
What does it mean to ponder?

"to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate"
 I wonder if we are too busy to ponder the things of God.
I have been pondering some things lately.
One of the reasons I'm enjoying this time in my life is because 
I'm less busy than I've ever been before. 
I have a great job that I enjoy.
It's a job I don't have to take home with me.
I'm responsible for myself and my puppy Cinnamon.
 My children are all responsible Christian adults.
I have 5 wonderful grandchildren.
I have a nice house that keeps me 
warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and dry all the time. 
I have clothes to wear, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and a car to drive.
I am blessed beyond measure.
God's blessings are what I choose to hide in my heart.
The older I get, the less material things matter to me;
the more the simple joys of living touch my soul.
I am going to spend time thinking about all God has given to me.
And as I ponder these things,
I pray He will show me how to share the things I have with others.
Not just things, but ideas, comfort, joy, peace, mercy, and grace.
Just as Mary pondered the things of Jesus' birth in her heart,
I will ponder the things of God in my heart.
And I will count myself blessed.
And I will allow those blessings to spill out onto others.


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