Thursday, March 24, 2011

I have a vase of pink flowers on my desk.
They came from Kroger.
Nothing expensive, just a pretty bouquet.
I  have a lavender & vanilla candle burning on my desk.
I have butterflies of all kinds scattered around my office.
I have green plants growing.
I have tried to make my office a welcoming place for those who enter.
the most important welcome people receive is the one I give.
If I smile and use a friendly voice, 
the first impression for our church will be positive.
 If I act like I'm being interrupted from 
doing something that is more important, 
the first impression of our church will be negative.
There are days Ginny doesn't feel like being friendly.
Too bad for Ginny.
It has amazed me how I can arrive at work 
feeling blue or sad or upset or angry, 
yet all I have to do is whisper a prayer 
and God lifts my spirits and enables me 
to be the witness for Him I need to be.
 I am to be Christlike.
It's amazing how the more time I spend with Him,
the more like Him I become.
Not me, not by my own strength.
but through the power and blessing of His Spirit.
"and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. 
The life I now live in the flesh, 
I live by faith in the Son of God, 
who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Galatians 2:20

Live as He lives.
Love as He loves.
We will be welcomed Home by Him one day 
with a smile and a hug.

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