Thursday, March 31, 2011


God's message for me today.
"Walk in faith and joy and see what I do in your life."
And He did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.
 Matthew 13:58

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. 
Truly I tell you, 
if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, 
you can say to this mountain, 
‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. 
Nothing will be impossible for you.”
 Matthew 17:20

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.  
“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 
‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ 
and does not doubt in their heart 
but believes that what they say will happen, 
it will be done for them.
Mark 11:22-23

I always thought that any doubt was wrong.
 I have realized that momentary doubt that leads me 
to seek His truth is not wrong.
Living with doubt hinders one from seeing God work.
Using doubt to increase my faith draws me closer to Him.
The faith I have is that in every situation God will work for my good.
It may not be what I desire but it will be what's best for my life.
I have learned that walking in faith does allow me to live joyfully.
I know that He sees and knows what I need.
I know that He always provides what I need when I need it.
I choose to walk this day in faith and joy.
I can't wait to see what He does!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."
Luke 2:19 
When I read this verse this morning, 
I focused on the word ponder.
What does it mean to ponder?

"to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate"
 I wonder if we are too busy to ponder the things of God.
I have been pondering some things lately.
One of the reasons I'm enjoying this time in my life is because 
I'm less busy than I've ever been before. 
I have a great job that I enjoy.
It's a job I don't have to take home with me.
I'm responsible for myself and my puppy Cinnamon.
 My children are all responsible Christian adults.
I have 5 wonderful grandchildren.
I have a nice house that keeps me 
warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and dry all the time. 
I have clothes to wear, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and a car to drive.
I am blessed beyond measure.
God's blessings are what I choose to hide in my heart.
The older I get, the less material things matter to me;
the more the simple joys of living touch my soul.
I am going to spend time thinking about all God has given to me.
And as I ponder these things,
I pray He will show me how to share the things I have with others.
Not just things, but ideas, comfort, joy, peace, mercy, and grace.
Just as Mary pondered the things of Jesus' birth in her heart,
I will ponder the things of God in my heart.
And I will count myself blessed.
And I will allow those blessings to spill out onto others.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"I Have Overcome."

When God brings the same scripture to my attention 
several times during my quiet times, 
I listen.
 This morning He directed me to 
the following verse.

“I have told you these things, 
so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble. 
But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
  The phrase that jumped out at me was,
"I have overcome the world".
With God's help I have overcome 
many trials and setbacks in my life.
This verse reminds me that as wonderful as this is,
Jesus has overcome the world.
I do not have to fear what the world may do to me.
My body may be affected by many troubles.
My soul and spirit cannot be touched.
I am safe because I belong to Jesus.
This give me such a blessed peace.

 Darkness tried to overcome the Light.
The Light overcame the darkness.

Follow the LIGHT!

Monday, March 28, 2011

My life verse has always been Jeremiah  29:11.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I have claimed this verse many times over the years and it has always brought me comfort, healing, and hope.
Knowing that God has plans for me is comforting.
I have come to understand that prospering in God's way 
is different from prospering in the world.
It is also to be greatly desired.
My hope is in Him alone.
If the only hope I had was in this world, it would be in vain.
God promises me hope and a future.
A future withe Him.
Lately God has led me to anther verse 
that speaks not to my future but to my here and now.
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Colossians 3:17 
My life is not compartmentalized.
My spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, and mental attributes
are all mixed together.
Each one affects the others.
This verse says "whatever you do".
Not just the stuff you do on Sunday.
Not just the stuff you do for the church.
"Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus."
This means that when I'm driving and someone 
does something that really irritates me, 
I am to respond as Jesus would. 
I taped this verse to my steering to remind me Who I represent.
It's made a difference in my attitude when I'm driving.
I also taped it to my keyboard at work to remind me for 
Whom I am working.

"Giving thanks to God the Father through Him."
Giving thanks for the good things?
Giving thanks for the blessings?
Giving thanks when I feel like it?
Again, "whatever".
Give Him thanks for all things.
I am just learning to do this.
I realize that the hard things,
the pain, suffering, wounds this world inflicts,
are the very acts that draw me to Him.
So I am truly thankful for them.
It's so amazing to me that He really has placed 
a joy unspeakable in my heart.

"Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, 
though now ye see him not, yet believing, 
ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:"
1 Peter 1:8

Praise God!

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Now the God of all grace, 
who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, 
will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you 
after you have suffered a little."
1 Peter 5:10

This morning during my quiet time, 
God reminded me that He is restoring me day by day.
It is not a snap of His finger and voila, I am restored.
It is an often slow, steady process with ups and downs.
I lost myself for many years.
It is now amazing to me to look back and see 
how even in those lost years, God was working.
I see His hand of provision and protection 
throughout my life.
Even more amazing is the restoration 
He has done in my life over the past eight years.

When I read the last part of this verse, it convicts me.
You see, too often I think I suffered much.
Then I look around me and see so much suffering among God's people.
But even that pales in comparison when 
I remember what Jesus did.
It's not just the physical and emotional pain 
He suffered for me on the cross.
It's not the pain of being abandoned by the very ones 
He had taught, healed, served, and loved.
There was a worse pain to endure on that cross for me.

 Have you ever really been forsaken by God?
I have felt that one once or twice in my life.
But as soon as I called out to Him, He was there.
His word promises that He will never forsake His child.
But for His children, 
He had to forsake His Only Begotten Son!
No one else has ever experienced that.
Just Jesus.

Thankfully this was, 
as the song says,
"The End of the Beginning".
Jesus was restored to life.
A new life that gives hope to His child.
One day my restoration too will be complete.
I will receive a new body.

Meanwhile, I bask in the knowledge that 
He is working in my life day by day.
I live with the hope of eternity with Him 
while marveling at the work He's doing in my life today.
Life with Him is sweet.
Hope in eternity with Him is sweeter!

I cannot wait!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I have a vase of pink flowers on my desk.
They came from Kroger.
Nothing expensive, just a pretty bouquet.
I  have a lavender & vanilla candle burning on my desk.
I have butterflies of all kinds scattered around my office.
I have green plants growing.
I have tried to make my office a welcoming place for those who enter.
the most important welcome people receive is the one I give.
If I smile and use a friendly voice, 
the first impression for our church will be positive.
 If I act like I'm being interrupted from 
doing something that is more important, 
the first impression of our church will be negative.
There are days Ginny doesn't feel like being friendly.
Too bad for Ginny.
It has amazed me how I can arrive at work 
feeling blue or sad or upset or angry, 
yet all I have to do is whisper a prayer 
and God lifts my spirits and enables me 
to be the witness for Him I need to be.
 I am to be Christlike.
It's amazing how the more time I spend with Him,
the more like Him I become.
Not me, not by my own strength.
but through the power and blessing of His Spirit.
"and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. 
The life I now live in the flesh, 
I live by faith in the Son of God, 
who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Galatians 2:20

Live as He lives.
Love as He loves.
We will be welcomed Home by Him one day 
with a smile and a hug.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

 My Psalm

Sing praises to the Lord!
He alone is worthy of praise.
May my life and my actions bring glory and honor to Him.
I desire for people to see Jesus, not me.
Forgive me when I get in the way.
Remind me to call on Your Name when I am weak.
Remind me to call on Your Name when I face trials and temptations.
Thank You for the pain & disappointments that have drawn me to You.
Thank You for the blessings and joy You shower on me each day.
Fill this broken vessel with Your love and grace.
Let this love and grace spill out to a seeking world.
Sing praises to the Lord!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dear God,

You are so good to me.

 I know You provide for my needs each day.
I know You bestow rich blessings on me each day.
I know You guide my steps each day.
I know I do things that disappoint or sadden You each day.
I know You convict and forgive me each day.
I know Your mercies are new each day.
I know I experience Your love each day.
I know Your Spirit guides me each day.
I know Your Son intercedes for me each day.

Thank You!
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

UK Basketball

I have been a UK fan since I was 10 years old.

I will be 60 years old April 10.

That's a long time.

I like to watch many sports.

My favorite overall sport is football.

However, UK basketball is in a class by itself.

I get excited during close games.

In fact, I have a hard time watching them.

I like blowouts!

I don't get angry when the Cat's lose.

I just feel sorry for the team cause I know they are trying their best on that particular day.

People tend to forget how young these players are.

I celebrate when they win.

Nothing profound or meaningful in this posting.

I'm just ready for the games to begin.

GO CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Doubts & Faith
I realized during my quiet time this morning that God allows any doubts or wondering I may have so that I will dig deeper into prayer and scripture.
When I wonder why things happen or if I really believe something, 
I can either ignore it which does no good or use it to 
fuel my hunger to know God more.
That's what faith is all about.
Believing what I cannot see or taste or feel.
Faith doesn't mean never doubting.
Faith is choosing to believe in spite of doubts.
Faith is giving doubts to God and letting Him answer those doubts.
  I have had times in my life when pain so overwhelmed me 
that I couldn't "sense" God's presence.
 During those times when I reached out in faith, He was there.
I can truthfully say there have been times in my life when I felt His presence.
He wraps His arms around me and 
whispers words of love and encouragement in my ears.

The world is a dark place right now.
So much evil and despair surrounds us.
But as a child of God I am not to give into this despair.
I know Who holds today and tomorrow.
And I know Who has already won the victory.
So if you doubt, tell God.
If you wonder, tell God.
If you despair, tell God.
He's big enough.
He can handle it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Laughter with friends
Rainy days
Birds singing
Cold drink of water on a hot day
Hot coffee on a snowy morning
Watching snow fall from my living room window
Playing with my granddaughter
Hugs from my grandchildren
Phone calls from my children
Vacation at the beach w/family & friends
My puppy asleep in my lap
A loving extended family
Southern Gospel music
A job that's also a ministry
Christian sisters and brothers
Wonderful weekends
Spring is here
Walking without pain
Cards of encouragement
A good book
My morning quiet time
My evenings
Jesus loves me
I am a child of God

Live, Laugh, Love

Monday, March 14, 2011

Being Thankful

I've been thinking a great deal about being thankful lately.
I see so many people around me who are hurting 
physically, emotionally, psychologically, relationally, and spiritually.
The tsunami in Japan.
People starving while others throw away food.
Children and women being abused in so many ways.
Christians being persecuted for their faith.
People who are fighting for the freedoms that we take for granted.

Then I look at other happenings around the world.
The political fussing and fighting that is so ridiculous!
 So called "idols" who people listen to just because they can
maybe sing or act or "something".
Some of them are just famous "because".
And our society worships them.

You're probably wondering where the thanks is in all of this.

I am thankful I know Who has won the victory.
I am thankful for the One Who has taken care of me through all the 
ups and downs of my life.
I am thankful that God has revealed and is revealing Himself to me daily.
I am thankful that no matter what 
may happen to this body of mine as it ages,
my spirit is safe in the Father's hands.
I am thankful that God is my Father and Husband.
I am thankful that Jesus is my Savior and Best Friend.
 I am thankful the the Holy Spirit is my Guide and Teacher.

"In God, whose word I praise,
In God I have put my trust;
I shall not be afraid 
What can mere man do to me?"
Psalm 56: 3-5

"Lord Jesus, I worship You alone. 
Thank You for Your love, mercy, kindness, and grace.
Enable me to live more like You every day.
I Love You!


Monday, March 7, 2011

"Sometimes just being there is all that is needed."

 I have learned over the past few years that we sometimes 
talk too much when someone is hurting.  
Many times all that's needed is a hug.
If they're genuine, tears minister to a hurting heart.
Platitudes and even scripture are often not the way to go.

Sometimes, however, a well placed word or two can help.
Just be certain they are healing, not hurting words.

"I know how you feel" 
doesn't  help because when you're hurting 
you don't care if someone else knows how you feel.
You just know you hurt.

"He's in a better place" 
may make her feel bad because right now 
she doesn't want him to be in a better place.  
She wants him with her.

"Call me if you need anything" 
is nice but most likely he won't call.
"We're picking you up and taking you out to eat tonight" 
may be just what he needs to hear.

"God knows what is best"
is true but not always appropriate
because loss doesn't seem best at the time.
"I care and I'm praying for you" 
mean more than you may know.

 When I was going through my worse pain after my divorce,
the people who just listened 
and listened some more helped me the most.
Even if they'd heard it all before,
they listened again.
They allowed me to vent, 
to complain,
to cry,
to grieve.

No judgment.
No platitudes.
No "get over it'.

And after they listened to me,
I believe they listened to God.
The words that helped me heal came from these people.

So if you don't know what to say,
say nothing!

"Jesus wept."
John 11:35

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sunshine fills the world with wonderful warmth!
Posies fill the sky with sweet smells!                   
Rain fills the rivers with rushing rills!                  
Insects fill the garden with gorgeous gardenias!
Nectar fills the flowers with fruitful flavor!           
God fills His child with complete contentment!   

“While the earth remains,
      Seedtime and harvest,
      Cold and heat,
      Winter and summer,
      And day and night

      Shall not cease.” 
Genesis 8:22