Friday, June 3, 2011

With what gift or gifts have you been blessed by God?
Do you even know?
If you are His child, you have at least one gift and probably more.
If you ask, He will reveal and provide opportunities 
for you to develop & keep ablaze 
the gift you have in you.

"We have different gifts, 
according to the grace given to each of us. 
If your gift is prophesying, 
then prophesy in accordance with your faith;  
  if it is serving, then serve; 
if it is teaching, then teach;  
if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; 
if it is giving, then give generously; 
if it is to lead, do it diligently; 
if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."
Romans 12:6-8
In God's eyes, no gift is any more or less important or special.
He gives what is needed for Kingdom work.
It seems that the more faithful we are to use our gifts,
the more He trusts us to do for Him.
One thing I have learned while working at a church
is that the people who work behind the scenes
doing the unseen and often unappreciated tasks 
are usually people who truly love the Lord.
Their lives are testimony to that fact.
They go about their God-given tasks 
quietly, diligently, and cheerfully.
They seek no reward other than to please their Heavenly Father.

I also see those with more visible gifts 
who are using them for the Lord.
They put in time and effort to practice or study 
so that they will give their best for Him.
They too go about their God-given tasks 
quietly, diligently, and cheerfully.
They seek no reward other than to please their Heavenly Father.

Who do we serve?
Why do we serve?
The answers should be:
To please Him.

Are we keeping ablaze the gift God has put in us?
I pray so.
Thank You for the gifts of service You've given to me
Help me to use them for Your kingdom and glory.
Make me a fit vessel for Your service.
I love You!
In Jesus' Precious Name,

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