Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's storming today.
It's hard to believe after all the rain we've gotten this spring, 
but we really do need it.
We've had several weeks of unusually hot days.
The green grass is turning brown and dying.
So the rain is a welcome relief.
The air smells fresh and clean.
The thunder is a comforting sound to someone like me 
who loves thunderstorms.
A good storm clears the air.
The sky is cloudy and dark.
It too is comforting to me.
Not sure why.
Maybe it's because the thunder, darkness, and rain 
reflect how I feel on some days.
 Like today.

I am feeling sad today.
Not sure why.
I feel like there's a storm on my horizon.
Not necessarily a bad storm.
Just a storm that will bring change to some part of my life.
I guess I've settled into a comfort zone.
I think God may be getting ready to shake thinks up a bit.
I'm not scared, just sad and pensive.
If God is preparing me for change,
I want to listen and be ready.
It may be a small change.
It may be a major change.
Whatever it is,
I'll cling to His promise that
He "knows the plans He has for me, 
plans to prosper and not to harm me, 
plans to give me hope and a future".
Jeremiah 29:11
So I will relish this storm inside my soul.
I will let the 
"rain, thunder, and darkness"
cleanse my life.
I will allow the sadness to envelop me for a time.
But then I will walk out into the Sonshine
and behold the rainbow of promise God has prepared for me.
And I will embrace joy!

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