Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The seasons of earth and life are from the LORD.

"As long as the earth endures,
    seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
    summer and winter, and day and night
    will not cease."
Genesis 8:22 
I realize I am now in the autumn of my life physically.
That's if I live another 20+ years.
My body tells me daily that I am in autumn.
It is withering away, sometimes slowly,
and sometimes in a blink of an eye.

    All flesh is like grass,
    and all its glory like a flower of the grass.
    The grass withers, and the flower drops off,"
1 Peter 1:2

my spiritual life is experiencing a different season.
For almost 32 years I experienced winter;
life that was buried by abuse and just trying to survive.
There were periods of growth but the coldness often stunted it.
I accepted Jesus at an early age and 
I've always known God takes care of me.
I've never doubted His love or provision, 
even in the darkest hours.
My faith is what has seen me through the winter season.

I now realize that just like the plants in winter 
that stay buried in the earth awaiting 
the warmth and sunshine of spring to revive them, 
my spirit was abiding, 
waiting for the warmth of new freedom found in Christ alone. 

 Eight years ago this month,
God delivered me from that long winter.
It wasn't an easy delivery.
In fact, it was extremely painful, 
like giving birth.

In the years since,
God has not only taken me out of the woeful winter,
He has placed me in a spiritual season of splendid spring.
As I have sought Him through prayer, scripture, and devotionals,
He has drawn me closer and closer to Him 
in a truly intimate relationship.

I can honestly say now that 
He is my Lord.
He is my Best Friend.
He is my Husband.
 He is my everything!

I am thankful for that long dark winter.
Without it I would not know the joy of spring.
My life today is full of rejoicing and worship.
Peace and thanksgiving fill my soul.

Praise be to God the Father,
Jesus the Son,
and the Holy Spirit
Who have taken away the darkness
and brought me into the Light!


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