Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I will be 60 years old this Sunday, April 10. 
 Last night, family and friends surprised me with 
a wonderful party at Olive Garden.
It was a great time of laughter, fellowship, and love.
I received many beautiful presents and I'm very grateful.
The best part however about the presents was that 
it was obvious much thought and love went into each of them.
When I use or look at each gift, 
I will think of and pray for the giver(s).
I received an album with letters, pictures, cards, and notes 
from family and friends.
I haven't been able to sit down and take my time soaking it all in,
but what I have seen has blessed my soul.
I can't wait to take an evening to just inhale the love.
Sometimes we wonder if we make any difference in our world.
Last night let me know I have made a difference, I matter.
I thank God for allowing me this privilege 
and pray that He continues to provide opportunities 
for me to make a difference.
One thing my sixty years has taught me is that
material possessions are nice and I enjoy them.
They are not to be treasured.
Relationships are to be treasured.
Family, friends, Christian brothers and sisters.
The relationship that is to be treasured above all
is the one with our Heavenly Father.
So celebrate your life no matter how young or old you are.
Each day is a gift from God.
Live it to the fullest and give Him all the praise.

1 comment:

Momofmanysince97 said...

Hope you had a great time last night at your party. We are mailing your pkg today. Hope you have a wonderfully blessed birthday!!