Thursday, April 21, 2011

"So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, 
complementing your basic faith with good character, 
spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, 
reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, 
each dimension fitting into and developing the others. 
With these qualities active and growing in your lives, 
no grass will grow under your feet, 
no day will pass without its reward 
as you mature in your experience of our 
Master Jesus.
2 Peter 1:5-8(MSG)
  Do not be content to merely be a Child of the King.
 Be a child who resembles your parent.
Allow the Holy Spirit to work in you,
increasing your faith, wisdom, discipline, patience, 
wonder, friendliness, and love.
Then you will be able to complete the work your Father has for you.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"I've learned by now to be quite content 
whatever my circumstances. 
I'm just as happy with little as with much, 
with much as with little. 
I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, 
hands full or hands empty. 
Whatever I have, wherever I am, 
I can make it through anything 
in the One who makes me who I am."
Philippians 4:11b-13
I am not responsible for my circumstances.
I am responsible for my actions 
in response to those circumstances.
 'Nuff said!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


 "and the grace of our Lord overflowed, 
along with the faith and love 
that are in Christ Jesus."
1 Timothy 1:14

"The gift of grace - the greatest joy."
Beth Moore

Grace:  the freely given, 
unmerited favor and love of God.
the spirit of God operating in humans  
to regenerate or strengthen them.

No strings attached.
I can do nothing to earn it.
All  I have to do is receive it.

I must live it.

If someone gives me a wonderful gift, 
something I've always wanted,
and I set it on a shelf in a closet, 
what good is it?
I need to use it.
That's the way it brings joy to my life.

God's gift of grace is no different.
I must allow this gift to fill me to overflowing.
How does this grace overflow to others?
 There is a saying that,
"Cracked pots spill the most water." 
Let's see.
Scripture tell us we are jars of clay.
Stress causes clay to crack.
All of us experience 
pain, trials, and troubles;
in other words, 
So we're all cracked pots!

 What's in us will spill out onto others.
If we are truly God's child,
shouldn't we be filled with His grace and love?
If we are filled with His grace and love,
shouldn't that overflow to the people around us?
 Makes sense to me.

Soak up God's grace.
Then let it ooze out of the cracks
until it touches the lives 
of the people you love.
Let the overflow reach the lives 
of people you like.
Let the overflow reach the lives
of people you don't like.
And let the overflow reach the lives
of people you don't even know.

Be a cracked pot for God!


Monday, April 18, 2011

In my Daily Guideposts reading this morning,
I read the following quote.

"Give what you have.
Be who you are."
Marilyn Morgan King

I love this!
This is what I want to do with my life.

"Give what you have."

I want to give what I have.
Possessions have become so unimportant to me.
I never thought I'd enjoy giving as much as I do.
This is not to say I don't enjoy receiving gifts.
Gifts that are given in and with love are special.
 These gifts let me know I am loved and appreciated.

However, that being said,
I truly would rather give than receive.
In the world's eyes,
I am rich materially.
By US standards,
I am not.
I do have what I need and more.
I pay my bills early.
I have clothes to wear,
food to eat,
a house to live in,
and much much more.
I am so thankful that with all these things
God allows me the blessing of giving.

Be who you are."
For too many years,
I tried to be who someone else wanted me to be.
In doing so, I lost myself.
Thankfully, I was delivered from that situation.
In the years since,
God has not only shown me who He created me to be,
He has given me the way and courage to be that person.
Life is so much more meaningful when you are who you are.
As Popeye said, "I yam what I yam."
I am created by God.
He is the only One I answer to.
Since He is love, this is a comforting thought.
I don't have to be anyone but me.

Friday, April 15, 2011



brothers and sisters, 
Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, 
be of one mind, 
live in peace. 
And the God of love and peace 
will be with you."
2 Corinthians 13:11

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I was reading scripture about the 
crucifixion of Jesus this morning 
when the scars in His hands were mentioned.
 In the devotion I was reading,
the writer spoke about how we try so hard to hide our scars,
physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Yet, often those very scars are what have made us to be 
who we were created by God to be. 

"When He had said this, 
He showed them His hands and His side. 
Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord."
John 20:20

I am very thankful Jesus doesn't hide His scars.
Without those scars I would be lost.
I wouldn't have the promise of eternal life in His presence.
Those scars are precious to me.

 I no longer want to hide my scars.
I don't want them to be used to bring pity to myself.
I want them to be used to bring glory and honor to God.
By allowing people to see my scars,
I have opportunity to share my faith.
I let them know it's okay for them to share their scars with me.
It's a very freeing way to live.

Jesus engraved my name on the palms of His hands
when the nails pierced His flesh.
 I choose to see my scars as having His Blessed Name 
engraved on my flesh.
  Praise be to the One Who 
lived, died, and lives again!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The seasons of earth and life are from the LORD.

"As long as the earth endures,
    seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
    summer and winter, and day and night
    will not cease."
Genesis 8:22 
I realize I am now in the autumn of my life physically.
That's if I live another 20+ years.
My body tells me daily that I am in autumn.
It is withering away, sometimes slowly,
and sometimes in a blink of an eye.

    All flesh is like grass,
    and all its glory like a flower of the grass.
    The grass withers, and the flower drops off,"
1 Peter 1:2

my spiritual life is experiencing a different season.
For almost 32 years I experienced winter;
life that was buried by abuse and just trying to survive.
There were periods of growth but the coldness often stunted it.
I accepted Jesus at an early age and 
I've always known God takes care of me.
I've never doubted His love or provision, 
even in the darkest hours.
My faith is what has seen me through the winter season.

I now realize that just like the plants in winter 
that stay buried in the earth awaiting 
the warmth and sunshine of spring to revive them, 
my spirit was abiding, 
waiting for the warmth of new freedom found in Christ alone. 

 Eight years ago this month,
God delivered me from that long winter.
It wasn't an easy delivery.
In fact, it was extremely painful, 
like giving birth.

In the years since,
God has not only taken me out of the woeful winter,
He has placed me in a spiritual season of splendid spring.
As I have sought Him through prayer, scripture, and devotionals,
He has drawn me closer and closer to Him 
in a truly intimate relationship.

I can honestly say now that 
He is my Lord.
He is my Best Friend.
He is my Husband.
 He is my everything!

I am thankful for that long dark winter.
Without it I would not know the joy of spring.
My life today is full of rejoicing and worship.
Peace and thanksgiving fill my soul.

Praise be to God the Father,
Jesus the Son,
and the Holy Spirit
Who have taken away the darkness
and brought me into the Light!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


"Command those who are rich in this 
present age not to be haughty, 
nor to trust in uncertain riches 
but in the living God, 
who gives us richly all things to enjoy."
1 Timothy 6:17
Some Christians act like fun is a sin.
I am definitely not one of them.
If Jesus promised us He brought joy, 
why should we be sourpusses.

I love to laugh.
I love to smile.
I love to enjoy music.
I love to lose myself in worship.

I love to sit with a friend 
and just fellowship.
If there's good food 
that someone else prepared, 
that's even better.

What did Jesus say?

“These things I have spoken to you, 
that My joy may remain in you, 
and that your joy may be full."
John 15:11
the emotion of great delight 
or happiness caused by something 
exceptionally good or satisfying;  
keen pleasure; elation
In other words; 
God has given us a world of fun to revel in,
So turn your frown upside down.
Let your countenance show the joy of the Lord.
Enjoy the life God gave you 
and the blessings He bestows daily.
Celebrate the world of fun God created.

 Have fun!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Scavenger Hunts

One of the highlights of my wonderful birthday week 
was courtesy of my older sister.
She spent Wednesday night with me 
and we had a great time talking 
and looking at pictures in my birthday scrapbook.
She left the next morning ending 
what was a wonderful visit.
Or so I thought.
Yesterday was my birthday.
I was getting ready to head to Mt Washington 
to go to church and celebrate my birthday 
with my daughter and her family 
when my phone rang.
After a lovely rendition of Happy Birthday, 
my wonderful sister made me write down a clue.
I obeyed (as usual :) ).
Then I spent 20 minutes tearing apart my kitchen.
Didn't find it.
Went to church and to my daughter's.
Had a wonderful time.
Got back home and there was a 
2nd clue on my answering machine.
I found that present.
Still couldn't figure out the 1st one.
Called and left her a message saying, "Help!"
She called; didn't help!
Gave me 3rd clue.
Found it.
Had trouble but found it.
5th was found.
Finally she added one word 
and gave me another hint for the first one.
Found it!!!!
Six very nice gifts.
Thank you Pat and Bill!

So why am I writing about this?
Because it seems like God uses every event of my life 
to teach me a truth.
I spent much time and effort searching for those gifts.
It was enjoyable.
Do I spend as much time searching for 
the gifts God has hidden in His Word?
Do I enjoy the search?
I am beginning to enjoy it more and more.
I enjoy spending time in His Word.
Each time I mine a new nugget of wisdom.
Each time I receive a promise that thrills me.
Try it yourself.
Do a scavenger hunt in God's Word.
You will be amazed at the treasures you find.
I know I always am!