Dear God,
Nothing can change that fact.
People may try to dismiss You.
They may try to explain You away.
The world tries to ignore You.
Then, when bad things happen,
they call out to You in fear
or they blame You in anger.
Others try to say You don't exist.
They make up all kinds of theories to
explain the works of Your hands.
They ridicule Your children.
They try to erase the very mention of Your Name.
Even Your Church sometimes tries
to change Who You are.
They want to ignore Your righteousness.
Your judgment.
Your wrath.
Just have enough faith and
your life will be wonderful
You won't have problems or troubles or trials.
Everything will be coming up roses.
Life will be sweet.
I have read Your Word.
I do not see those promises anywhere.
I do see Your promise to always be with me.
I do see Your promise to
walk the dark paths at my side.
I do see Your promise of the hope for a future.
A future with You.
Living in Your blessed Presence.
That's where the perfect life exists.
So no matter what "they" say.
No matter what "they" do.
One thing never has and never will change.
and I am not.
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