Tuesday, May 3, 2011


What astonishes you?

"And they were all astonished at the greatness of God"
Luke 9:43a

I am often astonished at the ways God works in my life.
Then I wonder, why I am astonished?
Does God care that I'm astonished? 
Does He think I should expect Him to do these things because, 
after all, He is God?

I know God is an awesome God.
I know He still works miracles.
He has done many in my life and the lives of people I love.
Yet I'm so often still amazed at God's greatness.

 As I considered this, a thought came to me.
I believe God loves astonishing His child.
I believe it's like when I give my child a gift 
that is unexpected and brings them great joy.
It makes my heart smile.

Well, I am God's child.
He loves me so much more than the 
deepest love I have for my children.
It only stands to reason that the joy He experiences 
when He gives me the gift of a miracle 
would be so much more than any joy I experience.

When God astonishes you with a miracle,
let the praise and thankfulness you feel pour out of you.

Be astonished!

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