Friday, May 6, 2011

A Breath of Fresh Air

"Send out your Spirit and they spring to life—
      the whole countryside in bloom and blossom."
Psalm 104:30

One of the things I love most about spring is the first day 
I open my windows and 
let the wind drift through my house 
and fill it with a sweet aroma.
The stale winter odor is wafted away by the fresh spring breeze.
The scent of flowers and newly mown grass always lifts my spirits.
The sound of birds singing gladdens my heart.
My world is renewed and revived. 

 Spring has arrived!

Sometimes my spirit needs to be cleansed by a fresh breeze.
The troubles and trials of life have made me feel stale inside.
That's when I need to open the windows of my life 
and let God's Spirit drift through my soul.
My spirit is renewed.
My soul is revived.
God's breath of fresh air rejuvenates me so that 
I can live a life of joy, peace, hope, and gladness.
His Spirit fills me to overflowing so that through me 
He can fill
"the whole countryside in bloom and blossom."
 Spring has arrived!


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