Friday, June 5, 2009

Make it Real!

Lately I've been asking God to "make it real". My faith has not wavered, I just grow weary of the world. The fussing and fighting about things that are so temporary. And the loss of respect for life of all kinds in this world. I need to know that God is in control. That He is real. Today I in my quiet time I pleaded, "Let me hear Your voice!" This is what He whispered in my spirit. "I am in you. Think about that. I am God and I choose to dwell in you. Does that not amaze you? You are my child. Think about how much you love your children. I love you so much more than that. You can let go of them but not your love for them. I NEVER let go of you. I hold you in the palm of My hand. Does it get any more real than that?"
My response was, "Wow!" I decided today to live the life He has given to me. I will not worry or fret about my "purpose" or why I am here. I am here to live, laugh, and love. I am here so that God can dwell in me and through me make a difference in my part of this world. That's all I have to do. I have been making it so difficult when it's really so easy. Live. Laugh. Love. That is what is real.

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