Monday, April 18, 2011

In my Daily Guideposts reading this morning,
I read the following quote.

"Give what you have.
Be who you are."
Marilyn Morgan King

I love this!
This is what I want to do with my life.

"Give what you have."

I want to give what I have.
Possessions have become so unimportant to me.
I never thought I'd enjoy giving as much as I do.
This is not to say I don't enjoy receiving gifts.
Gifts that are given in and with love are special.
 These gifts let me know I am loved and appreciated.

However, that being said,
I truly would rather give than receive.
In the world's eyes,
I am rich materially.
By US standards,
I am not.
I do have what I need and more.
I pay my bills early.
I have clothes to wear,
food to eat,
a house to live in,
and much much more.
I am so thankful that with all these things
God allows me the blessing of giving.

Be who you are."
For too many years,
I tried to be who someone else wanted me to be.
In doing so, I lost myself.
Thankfully, I was delivered from that situation.
In the years since,
God has not only shown me who He created me to be,
He has given me the way and courage to be that person.
Life is so much more meaningful when you are who you are.
As Popeye said, "I yam what I yam."
I am created by God.
He is the only One I answer to.
Since He is love, this is a comforting thought.
I don't have to be anyone but me.

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