Tuesday, April 12, 2011


"Command those who are rich in this 
present age not to be haughty, 
nor to trust in uncertain riches 
but in the living God, 
who gives us richly all things to enjoy."
1 Timothy 6:17
Some Christians act like fun is a sin.
I am definitely not one of them.
If Jesus promised us He brought joy, 
why should we be sourpusses.

I love to laugh.
I love to smile.
I love to enjoy music.
I love to lose myself in worship.

I love to sit with a friend 
and just fellowship.
If there's good food 
that someone else prepared, 
that's even better.

What did Jesus say?

“These things I have spoken to you, 
that My joy may remain in you, 
and that your joy may be full."
John 15:11
the emotion of great delight 
or happiness caused by something 
exceptionally good or satisfying;  
keen pleasure; elation
In other words; 
God has given us a world of fun to revel in,
So turn your frown upside down.
Let your countenance show the joy of the Lord.
Enjoy the life God gave you 
and the blessings He bestows daily.
Celebrate the world of fun God created.

 Have fun!

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