Friday, March 25, 2011

"Now the God of all grace, 
who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, 
will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you 
after you have suffered a little."
1 Peter 5:10

This morning during my quiet time, 
God reminded me that He is restoring me day by day.
It is not a snap of His finger and voila, I am restored.
It is an often slow, steady process with ups and downs.
I lost myself for many years.
It is now amazing to me to look back and see 
how even in those lost years, God was working.
I see His hand of provision and protection 
throughout my life.
Even more amazing is the restoration 
He has done in my life over the past eight years.

When I read the last part of this verse, it convicts me.
You see, too often I think I suffered much.
Then I look around me and see so much suffering among God's people.
But even that pales in comparison when 
I remember what Jesus did.
It's not just the physical and emotional pain 
He suffered for me on the cross.
It's not the pain of being abandoned by the very ones 
He had taught, healed, served, and loved.
There was a worse pain to endure on that cross for me.

 Have you ever really been forsaken by God?
I have felt that one once or twice in my life.
But as soon as I called out to Him, He was there.
His word promises that He will never forsake His child.
But for His children, 
He had to forsake His Only Begotten Son!
No one else has ever experienced that.
Just Jesus.

Thankfully this was, 
as the song says,
"The End of the Beginning".
Jesus was restored to life.
A new life that gives hope to His child.
One day my restoration too will be complete.
I will receive a new body.

Meanwhile, I bask in the knowledge that 
He is working in my life day by day.
I live with the hope of eternity with Him 
while marveling at the work He's doing in my life today.
Life with Him is sweet.
Hope in eternity with Him is sweeter!

I cannot wait!

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