Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Finding" Myself

"I need to find myself."
"I don't know who I am."
So many people are looking for themselves.
"Who am I?"
"Why am I here?"
The world gives a myriad of answers to those questions.
Fame, fortune, success, material possessions are just a few of the remedies.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
Only problem is, none of them are right.
This is why so many famous rich successful people 
are the most miserable people in the world.

So how do we "find" ourselves?
Jesus gave us the answer.
"In that day you will know that I am in My Father,
you are in Me, and I am in you."
John 14:2
"the act or process of fusing; the state of being fused."
"to combine or blend by melting together; melt.
to unite or blend into a whole, as if by melting together." Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011. 

"Fusion with Him means finding who you are."
Joni Eareckson Tada
 There is a void in our being that needs to be filled.
It can only be filled by God.
He is the One who gives us identity and purpose.
He reveals us who we are, who He created us to be.
This does not happen through keeping rules and regulations.
It is not about being the best we can be.
This fusion is a result of a relationship with God.
He is the One who makes us whole.
Fusion takes place as we spend time with Him.
Prayer, Bible study, worship, and fellowship 
with other believers are the keys to this relationship.
 The more time we spend with Him,
the more we grow to be like Him.
And it is in being like God that we find ourselves.
"So God created man in His own image; 
He created him in the image of God; 
He created them male and female."
Genesis 1:27
 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, 
there is a new creation; old things have passed away, 
and look, new things have come."
2 Corinthians 5:17

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