Wednesday, September 21, 2011



The other day I was feeling sorry for myself.  
The morning had been very busy with many people needing me.
The phone didn't stop ringing, people were coming into the office, 
and I had several things I needed to complete for the pastors.

I took a break to catch my breath. 
While away from my office I said,
"Lord, I'm so tired of people bothering me!
I just want to be left alone."

God is truly a compassionate, caring, & loving Father.
But He is also a Father of truth who will discipline His child.
He will rebuke us when we need it.
And I needed it.

I heard:
"Now you know how I could feel.
What do you think I deal with all the time?
Most prayers are 'I need' or 'I want' or 'help me'.
Praises and thank You's are not offered to Me as often.
Yet I always here and I never turn away My children"

"Think about My Son.
When He was with mankind on earth,
people wanted healing or blessings.
Time alone with Me was rare for Him.
Yet, He did not complain.
He just loved people."
"That's what I want you to do, Ginny.
Just love people!"

What would Jesus do?

When Jesus heard it, 
He departed from there by boat to a deserted place by Himself. 
But when the multitudes heard it, 
they followed Him on foot from the cities. 
And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; 
and He was moved with compassion for them, 
and healed their sick.
Matthew 14: 13-14

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