Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Joy Is...

Joy is a complete certainty you are loved.
Joy is a babbling brook in your soul.
Joy is a satisfied smile in your heart.
Joy is a permanent presence in your life.
Joy is not a practically perfect life.
Joy is not a totally trouble free existence.
Joy is not a lovely life of ease.
Joy is not a conditionally controlled emotion.
Joy is a lavish love from the Father.
Joy is a perfect peace because of the Son.
Joy is a constant companion because of the Spirit.
Joy is a gracious gift from the Trinity.
Joy is Love.
Joy is Peace.
Joy is Life.
Joy is Jesus!
"I have told you this so that My joy may be in you
and that your joy may be complete."
John 15:11(NIV)
Ginny Holcombe
© 2003 by Ginny Holcombe. All rights reserved.

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