Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Too many people today see God as the loving giving Being 
who never gets angry or disciplines His child.
I guess they have never read the scriptures 
that describe the God who is 
righteous, judging, and does discipline His child.

In fact, 
it seems to me that if you are not disciplined by God at some point, 
since we all sin, you are not His child.

Think about it.
Parents who truly love their child teach them right from wrong.
They do this by correcting their behavior.

God delights in seeing His child become 
the unique person he or she was created to be.
He accomplishes this in HIs perfect way.
Love, grace, mercy, joy, and, yes, discipline are just a few of the ways 
He touches the life of His child.
Look at your life.
If you never experience the loving discipline of God,
you need to reexamine your relationship with Him.
When you do experience discipline, 
and by that I don't mean guilt or condemnation,
but loving correction,
 be thankful and let it change you.
Jesus said,
"The people I love, 
I call to account—prod and correct and guide 
so that they'll live at their best. 
Up on your feet, then! 
About face! Run after God!"
Revelation 3:19

I am thank that You love me enough to discipline me.
Make me accepting of this.
I desire to allow Your convicting of my sins to change me 
as I become the person You  created me to be.
I love You!
In Jesus' Precious Name,

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