Friday, June 19, 2009


For the past few years, I have searched high and low for my "purpose". I have prayed, sought, and begged for God to reveal His purpose for my life. I have gone places, read books, and sought people's advice. And I have grown and learned from all of this. However, I still didn't know what my "purpose" was. I thought I had found it a couple of years ago and it was a good purpose. However, it was not my purpose and that door soon slammed shut. That was it! I gave up. I decided to live each day, each hour, each minute. And a strange thing begin to happen. God began to reveal things to me I didn't know I was looking for.

First He revealed the words, "Live, Laugh, and Love" to me. That has become my motto. I try to live each day to the fullest. I make sure I laugh often. God has surrounded me with friends who share my love for laughter. I also seek to share God's love with family, friends, and strangers.

Then He revealed to me that my job enables me to be an encourager to others. I may be the only Jesus they see or talk to that day.

He also has allowed me to enjoy my personal ministry of sending cards to those whom He places on my heart. This is as much if not more of a blessing to me than it is to those who receive my cards.

A few years ago, I memorized Psalm 37: 3-4. "Trust in the LORD and do what is good; dwell in the land and live securely. Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires." I memorized it but I don't think I really grasped it's meaning. Then this morning it was one of my quiet time verses and amazingly, God revealed a wonderful truth to me. I may not always know my heart's desires, but He does. He placed them there and He will give them to me in His time and in His way. That's such a comforting thought. I don't have to struggle. My responsibility is to stay in His word and in His presence. As His child, His Spirit dwells within me. I can quench the Spirit or I can allow Him to be a living fountain of life-giving water that spills out of me into my part of God's creation.

That, after all my seeking, is God's purpose for me. To trust in the LORD and do what is good; to dwell in the land and live securely. And to take delight in Him.
God may have a special purpose for me as He did for Deborah, Esther, and Ruth. Maybe not as grand or glorious, but a purpose. However, I now realize that living each day, each hour, each minute in His presence as He leads is purpose enough. And if He does have a special purpose for me it is through these days, hours, and minutes that it will be revealed. This is such a freeing and life-changing revelation for me. What a wonderful God we serve!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Prayer: A Last Resort?

I've been thinking about prayer lately. God's Word says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6 (NIV). In my quiet time Saturday morning, I heard, "Turn to Me first in all things." Earlier that week I had read a prayer request to "please pray for this one item because I can handle everything else". I also hear people say, "All we can do is pray." I don't believe that is how we are to look at prayer. Prayer should be the first resort, not the last. It is the first, second, last, and best thing we can do. And we are to pray about everything. And then we are to trust that God will answer that prayer when and how He sees best. And since He sees and knows everything, His best is certainly what is best for me. So today, present your requests to God. Trust Him to do what is best and right for you. So simple. So profound.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Make it Real!

Lately I've been asking God to "make it real". My faith has not wavered, I just grow weary of the world. The fussing and fighting about things that are so temporary. And the loss of respect for life of all kinds in this world. I need to know that God is in control. That He is real. Today I in my quiet time I pleaded, "Let me hear Your voice!" This is what He whispered in my spirit. "I am in you. Think about that. I am God and I choose to dwell in you. Does that not amaze you? You are my child. Think about how much you love your children. I love you so much more than that. You can let go of them but not your love for them. I NEVER let go of you. I hold you in the palm of My hand. Does it get any more real than that?"
My response was, "Wow!" I decided today to live the life He has given to me. I will not worry or fret about my "purpose" or why I am here. I am here to live, laugh, and love. I am here so that God can dwell in me and through me make a difference in my part of this world. That's all I have to do. I have been making it so difficult when it's really so easy. Live. Laugh. Love. That is what is real.